I'm working as a tutor now, not earning much, so do no ask me to give you a treat! because...I'm saving up for clothes. AND AND AND I have volunteered my free time in the morning to NUH!!! Hopefully they will get to me soon!!! I don't want to waste 3 hours of my mornings in front of the television watching repeats. I rather spend those 3 hours meaningfully.
JAE, DAE, JPSAE. I have been calling up schools and MOE to clarify my doubts. Miss blur-cock here thought a whole lot of bullshit worries and now.. she need not worry. I can actually apply under these three exercises. Everyday I think about the courses and the choices I make and then I worry. Now I'm trying to get all the records of community work etc that I have done. PJC better allow me... If not I stand at the losing end... Argh.
Yesterday, I had a very weird dream(all my dreams are weird even if I like it). It wasn't the same-ol-same-ol lead male. This was unexpected. Sim...was the lead male. There was my beloved Chan chan. I must be so worried about PJC not giving me a 'testimonial' thing(okay, I have not ask yet). I think I'll call up the office tomorrow or something and ask for Chan Chan or usha usha. It will save me a trip and getting rejected if they don't let me.
Good news. My room is finally cleared. No more creepy spiderwebs and spider. Man, I took like 5 mins to kill that stupid spider. It was hanging on its web during his last 30 secs. Stupid! Its neater, more walking space, lesser worksheets(from JC), lesser bags and clothes... That's why I'm earning money to buy clothes... That's why I'm clearing my cupboard for some space to put new clothes. Certain stuff are also back to where it should be... and well... nothing else..
Life sucks. Need diploma, need cert to make it out there. Life sucks, my mother is not giving me pocket money. Life sucks, so broke, misses school. Because when there's school, Cassandra gets some $$ and something to waste time on. Life sucks... it is only half way through January and kiasu Singaporeans are already que-ing up for BAK GWA. Life rocks, I still get concession rates while taking the public transport.
Bye. Switching to livejournal soon. So watch this space for the link =D